With a view to developing projects through the b&Engineering Business Unit, the Business and Development Corporation established an institutional cooperation agreement with the Foundation for the Promotion and Development of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Carabobo, which covers the area of research, technology diffusion and training.
For his part, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering of the highest house of studies in the Carabobo state, Manuel Jiménez, stated that this alliance is of the utmost importance for the institution for everything that has to do with self-management. “This cooperation comes at a time when as a University we needed it, we have great expectations, we receive this help with great joy, it injects us with encouragement, this revives us.”
Jiménez reaffirmed his commitment for this to be a “win-win” relationship, where professors, researchers, and students from the different disciplines taught by the Faculty, such as Industrial, Electrical, Mechanical, Civil, Chemical, Programming, and Telecommunications engineering, can work together. with the professionals of the Corporation in projects that will undoubtedly translate into benefits for the industrial area of the country.