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Business & Development Venezuela
Creating profitable and scalable businesses in the execution of projects and services within the industrial and commercial sector, applying the philosophy of continuous growth

Our Services


b&Engineering Project

We make our clients’ vision come true, executing engineering projects in an innovative way and with a high degree of excellence



Maintenance solutions and industrial, mechanical and civil services, among others. Backed by talent and more than 20 years of experience



Experts in the forestry field. National and international marketing plans with ecologically sustainable solutions



We consolidate and secure imports and exports in the industrial, commercial and civil areas from anywhere in the world

Experience, profitability and scalability

More than 20 years of experience in the oil and petrochemical industry, in industrial Maintenance activities engineering and project management and the actions required for its efficient and effective execution, maintaining the focus on the client.



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Oficina Administrativa

Edif. World Trade Center Piso PL Of 9, Av Salvador Feo La Cruz Mañongo Valencia Naguanagua Carabobo

Oficina Comercial

CC Jardin Mañongo. Oficina LM-02. Sector Jardín Mañongo, Naguanagua, Edo. Carabobo. Venezuela.